Sustainable Development & Environment

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Jennifer Okonkwo, Ph.D

Chair, Sustainable Development (Climate action)

David Aromokeye, Ph.D

Co-chair, Sustainable Development (Environment)

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2006/7 was when I first read Nigeria off the pages of a foreign textbook on development. I had little training on the matter, so it meant so much to me just reading that we were the ninth most populous country in the world! I thought it meant recognition; you know, strength. We had just been head-counted to a high of about 142 million people. In another six years, an addition of over 27 million occurred, moving Nigeria up to the seventh most populous nation in the world. Today, forecasts predict over 300 million people by 2050, which will surpass the United States at the third position, after China and India. For now, it corridors around 191 million people.



The Corporate Sustainability Index measure and compares the extent to which public-traded firms in Nigeria adopt the principles of sustainability both in their production processes and the overall corporate governance structure. The CSI adapts the approach of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) to the local context to rank the performance of listed companies based on their sustainability practices. The target is to institutionalize the consciousness of sustainability through partnership and alliance for the common good.