Economy & Societies

Home Economy & Societies


Amam Okafor

Co-chair, Macroeconomic policy

Chinekwu Owoh

Health Economics



The distribution and administration of Covid-19 vaccines are creating unpalatable challenges. On one hand, high-income countries (HICs) are circumventing COVAX, a coalition established to coordinate the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines globally, to enter direct purchase agreements with big pharmaceuticals. The result is the inequitable access to vaccines to low-income countries (LICs) and the continued spread of the mutating virus. On the other hand, …

Until his usurpation on September 5, 2021, Alpha Condé has been the president of Guinea, a West African nation since 2010. President Condé was a human rights professor and activist who fought four decades for democracy in Guinea before his victory at the polls ten years ago. He became the first democratically elected leader after 52 years of dictatorship in Guinea. President Condé is 83 years old and had completed what should have been his last term in office in 2020 according to the constitution at the time.

Last year,…

At the 2021 African Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC), the FutureProofing Healthcare Initiative launched the Africa Sustainability index. The index is a data-driven policy tool that aims to measure the healthcare situation of 18 African Countries. These 18 countries were assessed based on 6 vital signs upon which a total score was obtained as well as an overall rank. The 6 vital signs examined are access, financing, health status, innovation, quality, and wider factors. Nigeria ranked 14 out of the 18 countries evaluated…

April 2015 I took a 30 minutes break on a field job with the institute of Biodiversity when I got into this conversation with Mrs Garlinde, the coordinator. She was taking a break too. She opened the conversation by asking where I was from.

Urban societies are typically a mix of diverse people and interests that are often interdependent. It is therefore pertinent that urban housing strategies account for social integration of these varied interests. But the ‘affordability’ of housing seems to be an ambiguous subject matter.

In part I of this two-part series, I argued that the price of land among other factors is a key driver of variation in price of rental units across location. Therefore, policies and strategies to create and finance affordable, low-income housing should begin from stabilizing the price of lands and managing the distortions inherent in the system.